Nicaragua - El Llanito
EWB-SFP/UC Berkeley Project: Water pumping, storage, and distribution system for existing well EL Llanito, Nicaragua
In coordination with EWB Nicaragua Country Office, working to complete monitoring and evaluation, and project closeout.
Completed trip from 3/26 through 4/1/23 to supervise drilling new well (unsuccessful), used remote implementation for installation and connnection of solar panels to new controller and new pump in existing well. Initiated assessment to evaluate expressed community priority to deliver water to homes at higher elevations that are not served by this system. However, the community decided not to proceed with this initiative.
Before team traveled, used remote implementation to install solar panels on the roof of a building adjacent to our well with oversight by the Nicaragua Country Office team.
Next Steps
Complete monitoring, evaluation and closeout.

During the early-implementation visit, from 12/29/19 through 1/18/20, the Team worked with the community to initiate construction of the Well Support Building near the well to house electrical panels, pump controls and potentially water chlorination equipment. The Team trained community volunteers on how to perform several implementation tasks in preparation of the Team’s return visit. Two local individuals experienced with supervising concrete and construction work were designated as “Leads” and were trained to oversee the community volunteers performing this continuing preparatory work, subject to frequent remote review by the EWB-SFP Team, with support from the EWB Nicaragua Country Office.

Preparatory Tasks: The community volunteers and Leads were trained to perform the following tasks:
1) Digging pipeline trenches, installing pipes and fittings, and backfilling trenches
2) Installing concrete thrust blocks where needed at specified pipe elbows or fittings
3) Installing valve boxes in specified locations
4) Fabricating concrete-based tap stands in specified locations
5) Fabricating two concrete-based break-pressure tanks at specified locations
6) Implementing the site safety plan
7) Documenting as-built document drawing changes
The Leads were given extra training to ensure the preparatory work fully complied with the EWB-defined drawings and specifications.
The lead builder constructed examples of all the valve box types as shown in the following photos of construction of the air relief valve box, blow out valves, tap stand meters and shut off valves were constructed. Construction of the first shut off valve box for main line junctions was in progress when our first group left to go to the airport.

REMOTE IMPLEMENTATION - 1/18/20 through completion
Remote Coordination: After the EWB Team returned from the December/January trip, the team was unable to return to El Llanito, due to coronavirus travel suspension. However, EWB-SFP leadership provided remote coordination of the continuing work, led by local foreman with CO Engineer (Eveling Rodriguez) on site for all critical work. This involved weekly, sometimes daily communication via WhatsApp (and GoogleTranslate) to resolve issues, approve material purchases, etc. The work included:
● Installation of 4 km pipeline, 50 tap stands, two pressure-break tanks, river crossings, storage tank and piping manifolds, chlorination system, electrical equipment in the well support building, and electrical connection from the utilities.
● Downhole well video inspection, installation and connection of submersible pump, variable frequency drive with timer, and electrical accessories, and piping with valves, flowmeter, and accessories (under contract with Bomonsa). The well was shock chlorinated and chlorinated water was pumped to the storage tank for disinfection of the tank and distribution system piping.
System commissioning and community training is complete.
Ongoing work with CAPS includes regular monitoring and reporting of water levels in the well and daily pumping rates/volumes. This information supports analysis of safe pumping rates that can be sustained under different seasonal conditions.

We conducted assessment 11/28 – 12/2/2016, and EWB-USA approved Post-Trip Tasks and Report 2/3/2017.
Assessment trip was to determine whether the program/project should continue and gather information for design development
Discussed and finalized the Project Partnership Agreement and coordinated assessment activities with community and NGO
Evaluated and gathered information and data for proposed water supply system based on existing well, including: pumping test to evaluate well, locations for tank storage, pipe routing for gravity fed water distribution, soil, groundwater, hydrology, and topography. Evaluated availability of construction equipment and sources of tools and materials, transportation and storage of material.
Based on the outcome of our site assessment trip, the project was clearly a go.
The most significant factor informing decision making was the pumping test outcome, which validated the integrity of the existing well and confirmed a sustainable pumping rate.
We were pleased with the high productivity of the existing 100' well.
Consistent with preliminary data, this well was developed as a community-wide water source.
The El Llanito Water and Sanitation Committee (Comité de Agua Potable y Saneamiento), (CAPS) Board members presented their constitution to the Mayor’s office, and attained municipal status. They then secured full certification from INAA (Nicaraguan Institute of Aqueducts and Sewer).
Funding included an approved Rotary Global Grant application that provided $35k for material purchases and construction. EWB-USA funding and SFP internal chapter grants, and additional fundraising covered the rest.
We worked with the EWB-USA Nicaragua offices to use the remote implementation approach during EWB-USA's travel suspensions during the political unrest in Nicaragua and COVID-19.
From 12/29/19 through 1/18/20, the team conducted early phase implementation trip in person.
During August 2014 ATDT composting toilets deployment, our NGO partner, Alcance Nicaragua showed us an existing well and suggested a new project
Development of a water pumping, storage, and distribution system based on the well has been a community priority for some time. The well site is located near the fork in the road to the community of El Llanito.
El Lantio Team 2018

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